I have to admit, cost was my main concern. After visiting their website and asking questions of the creator(who was readily available; that, in itself is amazing in today’s world) I received my VT-007 a little over a week ago. I’ve been on it every day. The packaging impressed me with how well it was packaged. The platform itself looks as it should. I look at it as a medical device, designed to provide many benefits. It is easy to operate. Sleek design, not as flashy as the higher priced companies are selling(in order to charge more for less). The real star of the show is the creator and engineer, Jay Tang. He has designed Vibration Therapeutics website to cover any and all aspects of whole body vibration. There is so much information on the website, links to studies, exercises and so much more. I know I will spend months going through all the information contained therein. I think this is the best addition to my home gym and hopefully, the best thing I could have done for my bones, circulation, lymphatic drainage and muscle recovery and strength. I have osteoporosis and have turned my back on pharmaceuticals. To undertake the natural approach is going to be expensive. Purchasing my VT007 is exactly what I need and I didn’t go into debt to fulfill that need, which leaves more dollars for nutrition, vitamins and supplements. I feel very lucky to have found VibrationTherapeutics and Jay Tang.